Elder/Lead Pastor
Matt Capps came to Fairview as the Lead Pastor in June of 2015. Matt earned his B.A. in Art from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, a M.Div. with Biblical Languages from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a D.Min. in pastoral theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Ridley College (Australia). Matt and his wife, Laura, have three children. Matt is an author, editor, and contributor to several books and numerous articles. Connect with Matt on Twitter, Facebook, or check out his personal blog.
Elder/Pastor for Students and Sending
Chase Phillips was called to Fairview in the summer of 2024 as our Pastor for Students and Sending. He is a graduate of Carson Newman University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Chase has been in pastoral ministry since 2011, including planting a church in 2021. He has also taught Christian Ethics, Hermeneutics, and Global Missions in a Christian High School. Chase and his wife, Krissy, have three boys (Deacon, Bear, and Crosby) with a baby on the way.
Elder/Pastor for Discipleship and Administration
Joseph Lanier earned a B.S. in Theology from the University of Mobile, a M.Div. and Ph.D. (Systematic Theology) from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also serves as adjunct faculty. Prior to Fairview, Joseph served as an elder at his church in Kansas City. He is the co-author of Proclaiming the Triune God, Every Perfect Gift: Classical Virtues for Christian Formation (forthcoming, B&H Academic), and Divine Aseity: Life, Light, and Love (forthcoming, Christian Focus). He is joyfully married to Kristen and they have three children.
Lay Elder
Mike was born again and followed the Lord in believers' baptism as a child. Later as a teen, during a summer church camp, he surrendered his life to full time service and went on to train for that in a Christian college. Over the next 45 years he had the honor of serving in several churches where he wore many hats but primarily church music pastor and school principal. To better prepare for those roles, he acquired three degrees: BA in Sacred Music/Church Ministries (BJU, 1971), MMEd with emphasis in Conducting (U of Hartford, 1982), and EdD in Administration with minors in Music and Bible (BJU, 2004). He retired from vocational ministry in 2019, when he and his wife Linda moved to Holly Springs and joined Fairview. Together, he and Linda have three grown children and seven grandchildren.
Lay Elder
Colton became a follower of Jesus as a first grader under the faithful ministry of his parents and the local church. He and Stephanie have been married for almost 13 years and are parents to an amazing daughter Violet who is in the first grade at Smith Elementary. Raised in Murphy, NC, he attended the University of North Carolina (go Heels!), and has worked for the past 14 years at State Employees’ Credit Union. He and Stephanie have been members of Fairview since 2018 and are excited for what the Lord is continuing to do here!
Lay Elder
Jonathan was born again at the age of 16 and surrendered his life to Jesus. He graduated from Rutgers University and married Alina in 2012. In 2019, he, Alina, and their children moved to the Raleigh area and became members of Fairview. He has served as a worship leader, Life Group leader, and deacon. He is honored to serve as an elder and, by God’s grace, is excited to see Fairview grow into Jesus Christ. He lives and works from home in Angier.
Lay Elder
Chuck was born and raised in Smithfield, NC. After high school, he attended NC State University and earned a degree in Electrical Engineering. He has enjoyed a technical career working for several large corporations in the RTP area and currently works for Ford Motor Company as a Data Analyst. He and Cindy have been married for 40 years and members of Fairview for over 30 years. Together they have three daughters, three sons-in-law, and eight grandkids. Chuck enjoys taking trips with his family to the mountains and the beach.
Director of Children's Ministry
Lindsey has been a member of Fairview Baptist Church since 1992 and loves serving in the Children’s Ministry. She has a degree in Radiologic Technology and worked in the Medical Imaging field for 12 years. She is currently pursuing a degree in Biblical Studies from The College at Southeastern. She is married to Kyle and they have three children, Mason, Micah and Morgan.
Director of Senior Adult Ministry
Gene and his wife Nancy joined Fairview Baptist Church in 2018, and both actively serve with the Senior Adult Ministry. Gene graduated with a degree in Political Science and Education from North Carolina State University. After graduation, Gene and Nancy opened and operated a local business for 20 years. When called to ministry, Gene closed his business and attended Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he graduated with an M.Div. in Christian Ministry. Gene and Nancy have two adult children, Victor and Laurel.
Ministry Assistant
Lori joined the Fairview Baptist staff in April of 2018 to serve as our Ministry Assistant after being a member of the church for many years. Lori studied English and Business Management in college and has previous work experience in customer service, client coordination and marketing. Lori and her husband David have two adult children.
Director of Music
Zach has led worship at several churches before coming to Fairview. Zach holds a degree in Public and Interpersonal Communication from NC State. Zach and Caroline have three children.
Church Planting Resident
Neal Thornton has been in pastoral ministry since 2010, serving churches in Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina. As of August 2024, Neal joined our staff as a church planting resident through the Send Network of the North American Mission Board. He will be sent out from Fairview with a core team to plant Coram Deo Baptist Church in the greater Raleigh area in 2025. Neal holds a Ph.D. in preaching from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where he writes periodically for The Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership. Connect with Neal via Facebook, or his personal website, nealthornton.com. Neal is married to Ashley. They have three children, Emma, Matthew and John, and a golden retriever named Beau. When not spending time with his family, Neal likes to run, read and play golf.
Director of Counseling
Amber and her family joined Fairview in 2017. She has a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Amber is a North Carolina Fee Based Practicing Pastoral Counselor (NCFBPPC-A). She is a Certified Trauma Professional (CTP) and is also PREPARE/ENRICH certified. Amber is married with three children. To learn more about her nonprofit ministry and areas of specialty, visit Aletheia.family.